Last year, DST received a$ 300m investment from Tencent, which also owns messaging service QQ, and the two companies are involved in a long-term strategic partnership. 去年,DST接受了腾讯3亿美元的投资,而且双方已结成长期战略伙伴关系。腾讯还拥有即时通讯服务QQ。
For example, the premature death of the Beijing Tian Lu Investment in enterprise center& the first risk of limited partnership investment organization in China is a clear certificate. Our country should build up the limited partnership system as soon as possible; 如号称中国第一家有限合伙的风险投资机构北京天绿企业投资中心的夭折就是一个明证,故我国应尽快建立有限合伙制度;
With the fast development of venture investment in China in recent years, more and more people appeal for enacting a limited partnership act in our country. 近年来随着我国风险投资的快速发展,建立有限合伙制度的呼声愈来愈高。
Legislation Analysis of Venture Investment Organization Forms in China& A Brief Analysis of the Limited Partnership Form 我国风险投资组织形式立法分析&有限合伙制风险投资机构浅析
The investment in the study is referred as a variety of tangible and intangible resources that manufacturers paid in order to maintain a strategic partnership with its suppliers. 本研究中的关系投入主要是供应链中的制造企业为了维系与供应商的战略伙伴关系所付出的各种有形与无形资源。